Oshawott Skinning Inc's Official Website

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Warning - this place IS under construction! Empty and incomplete pages are expected. There may be typos, and if there are, comment where they are and I will fix them.

TO DO: Remove anything critical of Hexagon. I will try to help.

Welcome to the OFFICIAL Oshawott Skinning Inc. website! This website was made by BombCraft,, and is being edited by BCMGF1137 and lionheart921.

We have to offer you:

What is Oshawott Skinning Inc?

"Oshawott Skinning Inc. is a company, established 2022 and closely tied with H, that aims to be the very best, like no one ever was. We do many things, but we are mainly known for skinning oshawotts in a humane manner, as they die of natural causes before we can skin them. We are the leader of the attack on terrorist organization PETA, and we have many products coming soon, such as plushies of some of our admins."

- BombCraft

Quote of the month for August 2024: "Remind me on discord to change this quote every month, my discord username is @bombcraft" -BombCraft