Moderator Waffles
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You can ask for many different toppings for the waffles you order.
Current list of toppings:
Butter- Made with milk from grass-fed, free-range cows.
Maple syrup- Just maple syrup. What else is there to say?
Mixed berries- The same mixed berries from rito and waffles!
Nutella- A chocolate and hazelnut spread that originated in Italy in the 1960s. I love it.
Whipped cream- Please don't order this.
Honey- Sweet and sticky like maple syrup. You can thank bees for this topping.
BBQ sauce- First amendment, freedom of toppings.
Chocolate frosting- What if all our waffles are secretly just cake? What if we're all just cake? Who knows?
Sir Pentious's bathwater- Water that Sir Pentious bathed in. Tastes surprisingly good given what it is.
Ink- How else are we supposed to get rid of all the ink on the ground after turf wars? Don't worry, it's non-toxic.
Cat- I wasn't the one that put the cat in the blender! Please, for the love of Slarg, don't arrest me!
Rito egg- A Rito egg. That's it. Just a Rito egg.
Pink sauce- Popular across several well-known CCP-owned social media sites. Probably doesn't cause botulism. Can also be used as a filling.
Fuzzy ooze- Imported fresh from Alterna. We don't know what happens if you eat it. Can also be used as a filling.
Strange matter- A hypothetical substance that could destroy the world. It's strangely tasty. Can also be used as a filling.
Blood- Real human blood. Has been cleaned so you do not get AIDS or other nasty diseases. Can also be used as a filling.
Stupid sauce- A popular sauce in strange 90s computer games. May cause hallucinaions. Can also be used as a filling.
Oil- A black liquid that makes cars go, among other things. Screws up the enviroment, unless it's in our delicious waffles. Can also be used as a filling.
TF potion- It turns you into... something. We did not make the potion, we just know what each potion is different, so you will not turn into the same thing each time.