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About any accusations that I may have done something wrong

WARNING: This mentions a lot of inappropriate things like sex and politics, and there are a lot of swears. Read at your own risk.

So I hope to get my first rate very soon, and as I have been accused of a lot of bad shit before, I'm debunking all these allegations here so that I don't get into much drama when I get popular.

Doxxing allegations

These doxxing allegations come from a singular comment on the insane demon CraZy II by DavJT posted in May 2023 and deleted the next day, reading "BCMGF1137 is the coolest player in his hometown, the [REDACTED] hometown of Probably [REDACTED]". When I said that comment, I did not know I was doxxing BCMGF1137 and was just trying to compliment him with no malicious intentions whatsoever. I did know of my wrongdoings literally the next day, that's why I deleted that comment the following day. Since then, BCMGF1137 has overplayed the severity of the doxxing, and he still gives me shit about it (he even discredited me in his level Minuit even though I don't deserve it) ten and a half months later, even though I have tried to apologize to him like a million times already. Why the fuck won't he accept my apologies? I'm a better person now than I was then, when I posted that I was an immature seventh grader with the maturity of a twelve-year-old, now I'm a mature eighth grader with the maturity of a fifteen-year-old. I did not know the negative impact of the comment, and besides I learned my lesson to doxx people the next fucking day after I posted that comment. I regret doxxing Blue, and I will not doxx anyone else in the future, I promise! And, any claims by Hexagon about me doxxing people are especially bullshit because Hexagon is a hypocrite. How so? He literally fucking doxxed ME back in January and he DENIES DOING IT, yet he's mad at ME for doxxing BCMGF1137? (Truthfully, we are both in the wrong here, but still, he is worse.) Also, even if you know BCMGF1137's hometown, you still don't know which person there is him. This drama was in the past and caused by immaturity, I have already received my punishment five times over (a two-month ban from H: The Series, ten months later and I'm still banned), and I do not think anyone on the Internet should give either me or BCMGF1137 any hate, as I do not encourage hate towards anybody that doesn't deserve it.

Child porn and bestiality allegations

These allegations come from a troll named Xumi Chess, who in August 2023 photoshopped my comments and made a fake YouTube channel pretending to be me to make it seem like I own child porn and fuck my dog [sic] in a YouTube video (the original video is deleted, but a reupload can be found here). None of these claims are true, as I do not own child porn (I'm 14 as of editing this on April 2, 2024) and don't even have a dog, and even if I did have a dog, I wouldn't fuck it because that's just utterly disgusting. I have also been falsely accused of sending bestiality to people; a account named "BombCraft2" (also Xumi Chess) sent multiple people (me included) bestiality and also said "go kys faggot" to me. I do not own that account, as I would never do shit like that. I don't watch any porn, let alone bestiality.

Hatred towards religions (notably Christianity and Islam)

These come from a series of levels titled "Islam Haram" uploaded in Winter 2023 and the levels "fvck the church" in June and its sequel "GOD IS A P9DOPHILE" in December. The Islam Haram series comes from a lot of batshit insane things in Islam, such as:

  • Rampant pedophilia. Example: the Prophet Muhammad (piss be upon him) married a six-year-old girl when he was 53, and the two of them had sex just three years later. In what world is it ACCEPTABLE for a 56-year-old man to have sex with a NINE-year-old girl?
  • Misogyny. The description for one of the levels in the series (can't remember which one) stated that if a woman said "no" to her husband, he was allowed to rape her.
  • Terrorism. Have you not heard of 9/11?
  • Barbaric laws. Example: "Atheists and religious skeptics can be executed in at least thirteen nations: Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen." -Wikipedia. There are more, for example Pakistan recently executed a 22-year-old student over motherfucking WhatsApp messages. There are more human rights abuses but I am too lazy to research them all.
  • I may also add that a lot of the things in Islam Haram also come from immaturity; I was twelve when I made those levels and now I will be fourteen this Friday. I don't want to "END ISLAM" anymore; I'm fine with people being Muslims (I have a Muslim classmate that's perfectly okay, but I am a bit mad that his dad is ten years older than his mom), I just don't like when people hate on other groups (especially LGBTQ+ and non-Muslims) because of their religion. Christianity is similar; there are a lot of bigots in it too. That's not the reason why I uploaded fvck the church. That level was uploaded because of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, while its sequel GOD IS A P9DOPHILE was uploaded because it is often said that Mary gave birth to Jesus at a young age, ranging between about 13 and 16 depending on who you ask, and as someone between 13 and 16 (14 exactly), I would be disgusted if any of my classmates got pregnant for sure.

    The thing about religions is this: I don't hate anyone based on their religion, sexuality, race, grades in school, favorite color, political beliefs, age, shoes, wealth, or anything else; I only hate people based on their actions, and bigotry, pedophilia, and other disgusting shit can be enough to make me hate them. My dad is a conservative Christian and he's a perfectly fine guy.

    Telling a user named Nicoletti to kill themself

    Shut up. Nicoletti and I are friends now, I was just mad because Nicoletti was being annoying. The only people that should kill themselves are Donald Trump and also those dipshits that dislike bomb my profile posts because I don't deserve to get all my profile posts disliked because I am innocent.

    Homophobia allegations

    These bullshit allegations stem from a single comment I made on Abyss of Darkness in April 2022 saying "Like if extreme demon, dislike and ignore if you are gay" This comment was made because the top comment on the level said exactly the same thing and I like being a copycat. I was not trying to be homophobic (I knew little about the LGBTQ+ community at the time) and in fact now make supporting the LGBTQ+ community and other minorities a core part of my personality. In fact, I am wondering if I might be bisexual, as my sexual preferences are as follows: I would have sex with or date anyone of any sex or gender who can legally consent, but I'd likely only pursue a long-term relationship with a biological woman because I want to have kids. I find that I can probably be sexually attracted to both men and women too, but it's inconclusive. (Note that I am under the age of consent so please don't ship me with anyone)

    Racism allegations

    These also bullshit allegations stem from a single level, titled "fizzarolli body pill" (fuck the character limit). That level is just a short shitpost where Caillou gets grounded by his dad, Goanimate style. In it, his dad calls him the hard R. This is not me being racist (I hate racists with a burning passion), the level was just a silly joke, also Boris (Caillou's dad) is the antagonist. It makes much more sense to have a racist antagonist rather than a racist protagonist.

    Other miscellaneous hatred


    I have also been accused of hating a few other groups and people. First off is baby boomers. Again, not all baby boomers are bad; I have both aunts and great aunts that are boomers and they are all fine. It's just a lot of boomers are bad with tech and/or have low political intelligence, and I was overinfluenced by the bad boomers and made a (not even too serious lol) level called "I hate boomers".


    Another allegation is that I hate conservatives. This comes from a level called, "I hate goptards." (I actually never saw the urban dictionary article I linked before posting the level and actually came up with the term on my own) I do admit I do hate goptards, but not every conservative is a goptard. Goptards are just the stupidest of the bunch, the ones that want to ban all abortion with no exceptions for even rape or incest, the ones that want to push Christian fundementalism (typo intentional) upon every aspect of life (even school), the ones that want to ban transgender health care and stop teaching about the LGBTQ+ in public schools (I'm pretty sure I'm somwehere within the LGBTQ+ community, where exactly I don't know), the ones that hate vaccines, the ones that are racist, the other types of bigots, and pretty much any other stupid conservatives. Examples: My father and Nikki Haley are not goptards, but Donald Trump is a goptard. Basically, if you are a good person, you're fine, but bigots and assholes are not okay.


    You guys never understand anything! Even jokes! I don't actually hate neurotypicals, it's a FUCKING JOKE!


    Why is hating transphobes a bad thing? Transphobes are people that hate the transgender community. If you hate a group of people that doesn't deserve it (for example, the transgender community does not deserve hate, but pedophiles do deserve hate), you bet your ass I'm going to hate you back!

    British people

    Another joke. Why don't you get offended by similar jokes in Family Guy and South Park? Y'all are a bunch of hypocrites! (But then again, what kind of monster calls french fries "chips"?)

    Lionel Messi

    Someone was being annoying to be saying Lionel Messi was better than TADC and Murder Drones, so I told him Messi sucks. We're friends now, and also I don't really have any opinions either way towards Messi.

    H makers

    Those are all lies. Except for Hexagon, he deserves it because he doxxed me. (no, this is not hypocrisy, the reason why Hexagon getting mad at me for doxxing is hypocrisy but me getting mad at him for doxxing isn't is because he hasn't learned his lesson to not doxx people, but I have.)

    This entire fucking google doc

    This google doc contains five allegations towards me. Time to debunk the fuck out of them!!!

    1. Death threats

    The exposal claimed I posted levels telling Heda, 0kidoki, Mohammed Ja-Kalem Al-Abdula, and the entire college of North Carolina State to kill themselves. For Heda, I was mad because I got comment banned for 13 days despite not deserving it. For 0kidoki, it was because he uploaded a now-deleted scam level telling people to like and rate auto for a lot of riches. I feel that level was okay because all the other comments on that scam level in question said similar things. In the case of Mohammed Ja-Kalem Al-Abdula (or Ja Kalem for short), he deserves it because he's been trolling in GD for years now. As for NC State, I was just mad because they beat Marquette and I had Marquette in the March Madness national championship.

    2. Antisemitism

    I do not believe in Jewish space lasers, it's just a joke. Most of the levels I post are not serious, and also I'm an edgy teen. Of course I'm going to post shit with down bad titles. He did NOT mention me spamming swastikas in a lot of my levels (mostly from 2022 and early 2023), but I am not antisemitic. Again, nothing I post is serious.

    3. Pedophilia

    As mentioned above, I am an edgy teen. Of course I am going to post down bad shit and not be serious. It's what I do. Learn how to take a joke. Also, hypocrisy. Family Guy and South Park have offensive jokes but you don't give a shit!

    4. Racism

    The two levels shown were one literally titled "How to get cancelled" where of course there is the N word, saying the N word gets you cancelled, duh! (Also it's not intended to be serious lol), and one called "Fizzarolli body pill" where the guy saying the N word is the antagonist, so of course he's going to be racist. That level is another joke level intended to replicate Caillou getting grounded in GD, and was mainly made for humorous purposes. And if anyone's wondering about my ethnicity, I'm white. German, to be exact. My ancestors moved to the US I think in the 1800s (some moved at different times)

    5. Doxxing

    Scroll all the way up. I already debunked all that shit like 30 paragraphs ago. I never said I was "more mature than any other H-maker" or any other lofty bollocks bullshit like that, in fact the only H maker I have explicity said I am more mature than is Hexagon, and that is a very low bar seeing as he has the maturity of a toaster pastry.

    6. Child porn

    Those are false. Scroll up again for more info.

    Never mind the doc is closed

    Doxxing GarfieldFan8497

    The IP that did so was a IP (my cell service provider gives me IPs too) that claimed to be me, but it is not me because I WHOISed the IP and it is from Illinois, which is 3 states away from where I live in Pennsylvania (I also WHOISed a IP that I used and it showed as being from Pennsylvania where I live)

    Did I miss any allegations?

    If I did, please message me somewhere where I can see it and I will address those allegations too.