The H Times

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June 18th, 2023

"You're Outta Here, BombCraft! (for now)"

Welcome back! I know, it's been 2 months since the last edition of this. I forgot about this. But now that a place exists for The H Times archives and school's wrapped up, I can get back to making these every Sunday. (actually I won't lol)
Shall we begin again!

June 11th, 2023

Operation: Hectonerf / Part 12 (H3,741, GD 91477378)

Instead of H: Travel Part 12, Cube (GD IzzyConfusing) gives us Operation: Hectonerf, making various nerfs throughout the level. The changes are, in order:

ALESJlF (GD CreamySurimi) was given Part 13.

BombCraft is indefinitely banned from H (H3,745)

On H: The Server, it was announced at 8:27 PM EDT that, and I quote:

"So BombCraft called me a “bigot” over me secretly banning him from H. I’d like to say that I’m NOT banning him over him being an atheist. I am, however, banning him for repeatedly insulting Christians and Muslims, which is NOT HEALTHY FOR H: THE SERIES.

The thing is this: Being religious/non-religious are both okay in the studio. Repeatedly disrespecting a group, on the other hand, is not!

This is why I’m COMPLETELY cutting ties with BombCraft, avoiding communication at all costs. I won’t talk to him anymore for his actions, and I can’t believe I actually felt like a friend of his…

This will be my last entry on BombCraft. In the meantime, BombCraft is banned from H: The Series INDEFINITELY.

Thank you."
- BCMGF1137/19

BombCraft was now indefinitely banned from H, with no indication of when this ban would be lifted. BombCraft refused this whole thing.

Hexagon then proceeded to BAN BombCraft from H: Travel for 5 parts. BombCraft said that his next part was Part 16, when it was actually now Part 18.

June 12th, 2023

BombCraft gets banned from Scratch

For a comment that was being sarcastic that could easily be taken out-of-context as self-injury.

BombCraft apologizes (GD 91523414)

BombCraft apologizes to BCMGF1137/19 about what he did. However, BCMGF1137/19 never saw it, because he had cut ties with him the previous day, proving that he will regret cutting ties...

June 13th, 2023

H-Baker role exists???? (H3,762)

BCMGF1137/19 was questioned as to why does this role even EXISTS on H: The Server.

The H Iceberg (v5.6)

Cube makes v5.6 of The H Iceberg, called the I dont know Update because he made many changes that have little to eachother. These changes are:

BombCraft make a project with his apology

It's not an H. It's here. But nobody cares about it because it's on an alt.

epicguy59 tells BCMGF1137/19 about BombCraft's apology (H3,765)

epicguy59 remixes an H by BCMGF1137/19, telling him that BombCraft apologized. He still ignores it, though.

BombCraft tells people to stop hating him (GD 91548678)

BombCraft really does not want people hating him. He even links his apology project.

June 14th, 2023

Sadly, we had no news about H today ):

June 15th, 2023

BombCraft's H Manager speedrun (GD 91600907)

BombCraft makes a level about getting manager as quickly as possible. He also insults Cube, saying that he added lies to the iceberg to make him sound like he's worse than 1-WHOOPS! We do NOT talk about THAT person!

June 16th, 2023

H Milestone irony (H3,776, H3,777)

In an ironic turn of events, Cube got H3,777 and ThebigH gets H3,776, or 2,5252 seximal.

June 17th, 2023

Sadly, we had no news about H today ):