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My apology for my actions in H

Audio version of my apology:

Hello, BombCraft here. I will start by saying that this is my fourth time trying to apologize for my actions, the other three were ignored which definitely says something about the management here. Two of the other three apologies can be found at and, while the third one is deleted from's servers. I think that I have been banned from H for long enough that I’ve learned my lesson now. I mean, it’s already been six months. Time flies, you know. But anyway, I wasn’t thinking when I doxxed Blue, and besides I don’t think anyone else who saw that comment even remembers that there even is a Geometry Dash account named “BCMGF1137”. I am vastly more mature than I was back in May-June when the heart of this drama has occurred. Not only that, but I have had to apologize like 30 times without you guys giving a crap about my apology, I want that to change. It takes time to write these, you know. H has become much more… boring since I got banned, and I really want it to become more fun. I mean, the time between H4200 and H4300 was 28 days, while the time between H3100 and H3200 was only 18 days and there were only 17 days between H3000 and H3100 and 18 days between H3400 and H3500 and only fourteen days passed between H3500 and H3600, but then I got banned and 29 days passed between H3600 and H3700 and if we go a bit later, almost a month and a half passed between H4100 and H4200. H used to be much more active when I was unbanned, but now… My mental health isn’t the best, but I am getting better. I’d also like to say that it is not the easiest of things to make me mad, but let me be frankly honest here, if you make me mad, you’ll regret ever existing. I have no idea why I doxxed Blue in the first place and in fact I have no clue what I was thinking, but I do have to say that while my behavior wasn’t the best with Hexagon specifically, his behavior wasn’t the best with me. I will be pretty active in H, not the most active per se as I am also very active on now, but I will likely upload at least one H every day, and people will probably notice H in higher numbers once I’m Glowing Insane gets rated in March (hopefully). I want to make H a fun place again, I don’t want to see any more stuff like H3834 or the trio of Hs3984, 3985, and 3989 or H4046 (for clarification, it was stealing question 13 in IQH which I already made) or H4131 or the other trio of Hs4177, 4181, and 4183 or H4226, I want H to accept me and not act like I haven’t changed in the past five or six months. People change in that time period. I mean, we have seen two new managers since I got banned and I hope to eventually become Hs 11th manager, just… it will take a while. I was thinking I could get manager when I’m Glowing Insane gets rated, seeing as Axothan got manager when a project of his got featured, so I think I could get manager if a level of mine gets rated. I want to come back, I loved making Hs and I want to come back. I reckon if I never doxxed Blue, I’d have probably become a manager before 7th grade ended a month later. I am eternally sorry for what I did back in May and June (and after that, but most of the drama was in May and June) and kinda wish I could go back in time probably to the beginning of May, a few days before I doxxed Blue, so I could like undoxx him or something, but unfortunately time travel to the past is impossible. I feel I would be a great fit to come back to H, seeing as I will be very active, usually uploading at least one H every day.I request to be made a curator once again and to be unblocked by anyone in H who has blocked me anywhere (specifically Blue, Hexagon, Awesome119, and SS4K). Also, about the drama levels in Geometry Dash, any future drama levels I make will be about drama that is outside of H, but existing drama levels won’t get deleted because we need more iceberg content, but I may move them to an alt account or something. Also please remove any negative mentions of me or at least censor them, mostly in H projects by Hexagon that are composed of single screenshots. (maybe we should do something about half of Hexagon’s Hs being single screenshots). I mean I gave Blue edit access to some of my projects on Replit and said “TASK FOR BCMGF1137: REMOVE ANYTHING CRITICAL OF HEXAGON” like a month ago, if not more. Also, Hexagon, please remove negative mentions of me from your 10,000th project, specifically in 843984548, 854649920, 869639752, 877629700, 877951902, 902974233, Qa6 in the instructions, and the monstrosity in the Notes and Credits that I’m pretty sure breaks the community guidelines. One more thing for Hexagon: If you want to act mature like I am, please stop making incessant references to Portal. None of us understand them and we really want you to stop. Will you please forgive me and let me back into H?