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H Lore

"H Lore" refers to confusing fictional stories made in H: The Series. NOTE: All the lore here is unfinished and subject to change. I just copied this from Hexagon, as I am too lazy to finish it. I have articles to write for The Oshawott Times. But yes, H lore is confusing.
  1. ~10000 BD [Before Destruction]: The Twin Multiverses are created
  2. ~8000 BD: G appears from the void
  3. ~5000 BD: H appears from the void
  4. ~4000 BD: The G Minions appear from the void
  5. ~550 BD: The United Federation of G Minions is created
  6. 442 BD: Sticktown is built
  7. 421 BD: Terra is born
  8. 332 BD: Aurestria is born
  9. 242 BD: The Alphabest universe is made
  10. 231 BD: Awesome119 appears from the void
  11. 227 BD: The UFoGM is renamed to the Republic of G Rulers. This is not to be confused with Republic of G, which is a letternation owned by gek
  12. 221 BD: Alphabest is created
  13. 212 BD: The weirdscratchrs are thrown into a flame pit
  14. 208 BD: Marketia appears in existence
  15. 205 BD: The Metiae appear and Setru is built
  16. 203 BD: Eight billion years of history happen in 8 months
  17. 203 BD: The Twin Multiverses freeze for being overloaded with too much entropy in less than an attosecond
  18. 43 BD: The Twin Multiverses unfreeze. However, not all previous projects are properly saved
  19. 37 BD: Tim appears from the void
  20. 32 BD: The Republic of G Rules hates its current name again, and decides to rename to the G Empire
  21. 31 BD: The G Empire has the plan to overtake the entirety of the Twin Multiverse
  22. February 23rd, 2022 [0 BD, The Destruction]: The Algodoo and Magenta Galaxies collide, Big Crunching the Alphabest universe with it. Blue, Awesome119, Kevin, Outsie, and Henry manage to escape by reaching SC2_751P